BASS-O-TOR is low gain amp tailored for Bass. Great pedal platform for guitar too.
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R’n’R Disastortor is medium/higain amp originally designed for Filippa Nässil of Thundermother. Tailored after 70’s rock sounds – Loud & proud
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Higain amp tailored after wide range of 80’s sounds from clean to mean
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TORNATOR is low gain amp tailored for various clean sounds. Great for pedal use too.
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EREKTOR is higain amp originally designed for Markus Vanhala of Omnium Gatherum & Insomnium. Tailored after 80’s and 90’s hårdrock/metal sounds.
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DeMonator – In your Phase
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Standard 1×12″ speaker cabinet
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Boost or clean up you signal
Continue readingDrive in Style
No-nonsense Overdrive
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All Skipper’s amp cabinets are standard size. Whenever you wish to update the style of your Skipper’s amp just order a new cabinet.
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